Jogjakarta (1) Gudeg - one of the main royal asset in Jogjakarta
Jogjakarta is the most unique place that has its own realm. Virtually rulled by its own royals (Sultanate) who are part of republic make it one and the only. Culinary is one of the finest in Indonesia. Gudeg is one of the dish that are includes in the royal list as part of royal culinary in the royal Jogjakarta palace also called keraton. Gudeg is made from jackfruit that are slow cooked in a claypot and fermented with carious herbs including coconut brown sugar. There are a lot of different interpeetation of gudeg rice dish with its unique and its own characteristic started from Gudeg Mercon, Yu Jum, and more. Gudeg Yu Jum is one of the most famous gudeg in town (even nationally famous, I would say). It has quite strong sweetness taste and has very strong jogja character. Combine with fluffy and savoury krecek (cattle skin) and special santan make it worth to try. Gudeg Mercon is pre-dominantly has savoury and spicy taste make it the one and only. Gudeg Sagan is the name of...