Sick (real one !!) in Afghanistan !!

Life become routine and monotone: morning meeting, morning briefing, medical meeting, round in the ward and OPD. The movement is restricted and our life is just between the house and  the hospital. The colleagues come and go make the life become difficult as I have to adapt all the time with a new person. In some point it quite tiring to have farewell and welcoming all the time. But what can I say, it is part of the life. One day I told the team that to life with  is worse than marriage life, you have to see your colleague 24 hour a day as you have to work at the same place together and you will see them at home. So I would say the life can be like heaven but it can be worse than hell if you do not have a good relation with your colleague. I am quite lucky that I have really good and nice colleague so life in Afghanistan is not so bad.

One day, I got severe fever along with severe headache and general body pain. It is like something breaking my bone into pieces. It was 7 painful days. I could not work, I stayed at home but it was excruciatingly painful. One of my colleague suggest and accompany me to have blood check to confirm what was wrong with me. I went to one of the best clinic in Afghanistan. I had to pay more than 400 USD for all medical services including blood check, urine analysis and medical GP consultation. I was surprised how expensive is it. I was wndering it must be difficult to be sick as Afghan  if you do not have money.
I am quite happy that our hospital provide free of charge quality of service for people in need in Kabul (at least here at the the place I work), as they do not have to pay for services that the hospital provides. I also proud that our hospital reputation is really good. People from far-far away (out of the city) went to our hospital and would prefer to be treated in our hospital.  They told us that they heard from their relatives that  AhmadShah Baba Mina hospital is one of the best hospital in Kabul. One of the patient caretaker even told me that his sick relatives were defaulted from another hospital and want to be treated in our Hospital. I can say that I am proud with what our hospital did to Afghan. I can conclude that the life in Afghanistan is one GREAT year of my life. And absolutely I am proud of it.


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